The Port of Ceuta is strategically located in the Strait of Gibraltar and its main strength lays in bunkering supply and ferry lines servicing the Spanish Peninsula.
Bunker Service
Bunker service may be performed either at anchorage or ex pipe; Levante and Poniente docks, which allows the port to simultaneously supply a maximum of 3 berthed vessels.
MH Bland Presence
MH Bland has been based in Ceuta since 2005 and, as with all ports, has a very experienced and well trained team of professionals able to provide the highest level of service to your cargo, Feet and crew needs.
Plaza de los Reyes s/n
Edificio Plaza de los Reyes
Galeria Comercial, Oficina nº10
51001, Ceuta, Spain
T: +34 956 509 926 / 508 628 (24hrs)